I saw on the internet that the road near Idyllwild has been closed because it was washed out in February; https://www.pe.com/2019/02/14/highways-in-san-jacinto-san-bernardino-mountains-closed-due-to-washouts-mud-debris/
beginnerbikerThis is one of SoCals better Motorcycle roads.
Idyllwild is a charming and rustic town that is very motorbike friendly. There is fantastic food of many different tastes.
The way up is really awesome. Get your GoPros running and have an awesome run!
This is an excellent run.
I recommend you continue on Hwy 74 to Lake Elsinore.
From there the glorious Ortega Hwy.
The run from Hemet to Elsinore is just crap,
but once you get to the Ortega things get going again.
It's a good day ride with excellent food and fun in Idyllwild.
Nice Twisty road through San Jacinto Mountains. Follow the 243 from Mountain Center to Banning.