A very good road. Unfortunately the surface is dirty (rocks+sand) on many corners which spoils most of the fun and makes one ride very carefully. Even worse, the situation will probably worsen since most of the road between the N2 and Cachopo was hit by a huge fire during the 2012 Summer, other than hurting the beautiful rolling landscape and bringing more misery to many locals it will also slide more dirt to the road come next Winter.
pma_idThis road goes all the way from the N2 to the river that marks the Spanish border - theres a footbridge across to Spain - but Ive only ridden it as far as Cachopo, a lovely little town with typically Portuguese roadside cafe bars, ideal for a spot of lunch and something cold to drink before either pressing on to the river or turning round and enjoying the ride back the way youve come to the N2. This road is lightly trafficed, even by Portuguese standards, and youll need to watch out for any detritus washed onto the surface if it has rained, and speaking of surface, its mostly good but with the odd defect just to keep you on your toes. The challenge of this road comes from the topography - its as twisty as you could possibly want, with many elevation changes, and many complex sequences of challenging corners, some with excellent visibility, others blind.